
Home Office

477 N. Lindbergh, Suite 310

St. Louis, Missouri 63141

Braeton Moore, Asst. Chief-EMS, Fire Chief Brant Miller, Kristin Pauley – Oakland Manor Administrator, Amy King – MGM Healthcare Chief Compliance Officer

A Donation with Heart

January 21, 2021 was a special day for the community of Oakland. Kristin Pauley, Administrator at Oakland Manor Care Center, along with MGM Healthcare’s Chief Complaince Officer, Amy King, greeted the Oakland Manor Fire Department with a monetary donation. This donation is extra special, as it is for the purchase of a new FDA certified cardiac monitoring system; with this, so many lives will be touched.

MGM Healthcare’s CCO, Amy King, stated, “MGM Healthcare is fortunate to provide operational support to Skilled Nursing Facilities – it is through these partnership that we are included to be part of Communities – Oakland is our community and we are fortunate to be able to support Oakland Fire and Rescue in protecting the health of Oakland [through our donation]”

Oakland is a genuinely dear town, with a true sense of community and support. It is our pleasure to be here!

If you have any questions about Oakland Manor, or would like to inquire about working at Oakland Manor, please don’t hesitate to contact Administrator, Kristin Pauley, at (712) 482-6403.


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